Thursday, January 12, 2012


Boy is it cold out there! We are finally getting the feeling of winter out there. I do love snow but I don't love everything it brings with it! Like today for instance, I was leaving school to head home and what happens. I slip on ice and fall right on my side. Then, my key won't unlock my door. It turns and turns but nothing. It has stuck before and after a few jiggles it unlocked. Not today :( I stood there freezing and trying, but nothing. So luckily I am blessed to live close to my parents and I was able to call my dad for help. He was able to come right over and he got it to open up!

So, the moral of the story is, I am one blessed girl to be able to live close enough to my parents that when Dudley is working and I can't get a hold of them I have someone to call on for help!

I know you are reading this, Dad, so thank you again for your help! I love you!

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Well, I missed a day yesterday due to the fact that our computer is old and didn't want to! I thought having the internet was going to make things easier. ha...story of my life.

School is back in full swing and so far (keeping my fingers crossed) things are going well. I have already in these two days seen some improvements in a couple of my kiddos! I really think we all needed a break to recoup and have time away from each other! I am looking forward to see where this semester leads!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Where Has Time Gone???

Here we are January 3, 2012. I can't believe that it is half-way through my first year of teaching Kindergarten. I never thought I would be in my own classroom teaching my own set of students. I have known I always wanted to work with children, especially kindergartners, but after many setbacks I haven't always been sure when or if that was going to happen.

Now that it is the beginning of the second semester, my love for working with kids just keeps growing. I am not sure I will forever be working in the school system, but I am sure that I will always be working with kids in one way or another!

As I think about starting back to school tomorrow, I know that my students have come a long way since the first day of school, but i also know we have a lot to do to make sure they are ready for first grade! I can't wait to see where this next semester takes us. I know we are all going to continue to grow together as we finish out this year!

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year, New Things

Now that we have Internet at home, I had planned on starting this blog back up yesterday but it seemed like sleep took over :)

I am looking forward to all the things that lie ahead in 2012. I know that God has big things in store for Dudley and I in the coming year. I am anxious to see what those things are, but I know that patience is the only way I will get to those things!

Here's to praying, listening and letting God take complete control of the road ahead!