Friday, November 30, 2012

November 30, 2012

Day 30: Today, I am thankful for thoughtful, caring co-workers! 

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Eek! I have really gotten behind this week!

November 26, 2012:

Day 26: Today, I am thankful for Mondays. I know, I know, I must be crazy, but this school year I actually like Mondays. My class this year is so good on Mondays! They are always so quiet and calm on Mondays, and in great moods! They make my Mondays!

November 27, 2012:

Day 27:  Today, I am thankful for surprises! I love giving surprises! I love being able to surprise someone with something they won't get for themselves!

November 28, 2012:

Day 28: Today, I am thankful for a hubby that doesn't mind taking a turn making dinner!

November 29, 2012:

Day 29: Today, I am thankful that my nephews want to call me on the phone! I noticed I had a missed call and voice mail from my sister. This had me worried at first because usually if she needs something during the day she just texts me. I couldn't check my message until lunch, but it was well worth the wait. I listen and this is what I hear, "La la, La la, hi, love you, bye, Hi, see you in a couple weeks. love you, bye, bye!" I had the biggest smile on my face after that message! I texted Renee' to thank her for the message, and she told me E had brought her phone to her and when she asked if he wanted to call someone he said "uh-huh." When she asked who he wanted to call he said "La la"  Love it!!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

November 25, 2012

Day 25:

Today I am thankful for the silly side Dudley and I have together. I have always had a goofy, kid-at-heart personality, and I know God placed Dudley in my life because he can be goofy and silly with me! There is never a dull moment in our house, and I can't wait till we are 80 and still being silly with each other!

November 24, 2012

Day 24:

Today I am thankful that I was blessed with another year of life! I have now been alive for 28 years, and I can say they have been a whirlwind of emotions. In those 28 years there have been some rough times, but there have been many, many fantastic times! I was blessed to be born into a family that loves me unconditionally and is always going to be there no matter what the circumstance. I am looking forward to the many years I have ahead of me, and the road God is going to take me down!

Friday, November 23, 2012

November 22 & 23

Day 22:

Today I am thankful for having at least some part of our family close enough to celebrate the holidays! With Dudley working at FedEx, we are pretty much set to always be home from the beginning of November to Christmas. This makes it hard to see see his side of the family, but we are blessed to have my side close! We never have to worry about being lonely for the holidays.

Day 23:

Today I am thankful for the opportunity to shower my family with gifts! I love being able to give others either things they need or things they want! This time of year I am always so excited to see what I can give to bless someone else, but I love when I can do this no matter what time of the year it is!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

November 19, 2012

Day 19:

Today I am thankful for stress-free nights out! Nights where you can go out and not have any worries. Nights where you don't have to can just go out

November 21, 2012

Day 21:

Today I am for time spent with my momma! It doesn't matter what we are doing, I always enjoy the time I get to spend with her. We almost always spend Saturdays going out shopping together. We may neither one end up buying anything, but its not about that. We just enjoy being together!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

November 20, 2012

Day 20:

Today I am thankful for technology! I know sometimes we get to wrapped up in the world of technology, but we all have to admit....without it so many good things couldn't go on. I am so glad that I can just push a button and be face-to-face with my sister, bro-in-law, and their boys! Not many things makes my heart happier then hearing my nephews so excited to talk to me! That family is so amazing and they are such a blessing to me and Dudley, and any time we can spend together (in person, or on the computer) I will take!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

November 18, 2012

Day 18:

Today I am thankful for laughter! I don't know what else to say about it. I feel like Buddy the Elf, but what can I say, "Smiling's my favorite!"

Saturday, November 17, 2012


November 16, 2012

Day 16:

Today I am thankful for God's grace!

November 17, 2012:

Day 17:

Today I am thankful for my big brother, Adam! It is his birthday today, and I can't imagine my life without him! He has always been a great big brother! So much so that I have always hoped that I would have a little boy first and then a little girl because I know how much I looked up to my brother and I want the same for my children! We most definitely had our moments where we bickered and didn't get along, but I wouldn't change our days together for anything!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

November 15, 2012

Day 15:

Today I am thankful for comforting food.....chicken soup and grilled cheese. Foods like these are just what I need on days like today. Days were mornings start rough, and only progressively get worse. There were some upsetting things that happened this morning at school, and from there I just got to feeling awful. Nose consistently running, sneezing, pounding head, the whole works. It is foods like chicken soup and grill cheese that make me feel some what better because along with those foods come memories. Memories of mom making those food and placing them on a TV tray when we were little. Memories I will always cherish!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

November 14, 2012

Day 14:

Today I am thankful for God's unending love. It feels so good to know that someone is going to love me and before me through it all! He is there for our good days, and He is there through the rough days. He is there for us when we make mistakes, and loves us despite of those mistakes. In anything we do, we can always turn to God!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Two in One

November 12, 2012

Day 12:

Today I am thankful for friends who can help in thick and thin. I love that within my group of friends we are all so different that we can help each other out in so many different ways! With no two of us being exactly alike we can bring our talents together to be there for each other. If we were all the same our lives would be very boring!

November 13, 2012

Day 13:

Today I am thankful opportunities to make dinner with my hubby. We are very blessed to have schedules that allow us to eat dinner together most every night. This is often something I take for granted. I love the times we get to spend together just doing life!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Time to Catch Up.....

Well, I got a few days behind so today I am going to have to play catch up.

November 9, 2012

Day 9:
Today I am thankful for Fridays. Some weeks seem to last so long and it is everything I can do to make it Friday. Last week was one of those weeks. With Thanksgiving Break being just around the corner, the days seem to brag. When Friday rolls around, that is another week I made it through and I always look forward to spending the evening with Dudley!

November 10, 2012

Day 10:

Today I am thankful for amazing girlfriends! I had the chance to spend today with my best girlfriends in Chicago shopping! Our church put together a day to get to go to Chicago and go and do whatever we, sight see, etc. My mom, sis-in-law, and friends all got to go, and we had a great day just spending time together and doing a little shopping. The only thing that could have made it better was if Renee' could have joined us!

November 11, 2012

Day 11:

Today I am thankful for all the military personnel..... veterans and those currently enlisted. My grandpas were both a part of WWII, my dad was in the Air Force Reserves, and my bro-in-law is currently in the USAF. Without these men and all the others who have come and gone, our country wouldn't be what it is today. I am so grateful for what they did and our willing to do to make sure our country is safe! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

November 8, 2012

Day 8:

Today I am thankful for a much needed 2 hour delay from school. The fog was ridiculous this morning so the school decided to call for a 2 hour delay. When I got the text this morning, I was already up, but thankfully I hadn't started to get ready yet. I went back to bed and got a much needed couple hours of sleep. I love 2 hour delays not only for the extra sleep, but because everyone seems to come in a lot happier. We were all rested and ready for our day! We had a great day in class because of that much needed 2 hour delay!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Nov. 7, 2012

Day 7:

Today I am thankful for my wonderful aide. At the beginning of this school year, I posted about how concerned I was because I had 29 kids and no help. None, nothing, it was all me!

Well, I am done down to 28 kids and I finally have some help. We were blessed at the end of September with 1 aide to share. That was great and we were so grateful that we had some help, but with the numbers like they are that still wasn't enough.

Finally, the second  week of October they told us they were looking to get an aide fore every kindergarten teacher. We were so excited because report cards were around the corner and a lot of our report card is one-on-one assessments. Well, we waited and waited and nothing happened. Finally, the day we before we were to go on our week of Fall Break I was introduced to the lady that was to be my aide.

I was a little apprehensive at first because even though I need the help in the classroom, I have trouble relinquishing control because I want to make sure they are learning everything they are supposed to and that it is done correctly. It has been 3 weeks now and I am proud to say there was nothing to worry about...she is great!

I can't wait to get to know her better and I know she is going to be a good asset to my classroom.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Nov. 6, 2012

Day 6:

Today I am thankful for the opportunity to live in a country where we have the right for our leaders. However, with that being said I am even more thankful to have a God who will still be King after all is said and done. He has everything in control no matter the outcome of today's elections. He will reign forever, and knowing that makes every day easier!

Nov. 5, 2012

Day 5:

Today I am thankful for our home. We were fortunate this summer to buy our first home! It was a great deal and perfect for where we are in our lives. I am excited to make it our own, and little by little we are. I can't wait to put up pictures as we get things finished.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Nov. 4, 2012

Day 4:

Today I am thankful for the leaders of my church. We at Mt. Gilead are blessed to have leaders that love and care for us that no matter the time or day they are there. They are there to uplift and encourage. They teach and lead us in the ways of the one true God. They are there through the good, bad and ugly. They care for those within the congregation and those outside. God has placed these leaders in their positions for a reason, and I am thankful to be ministering right alongside them!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

November 3, 2012

Day 3:

Today I am thankful for days when I can do absolutely nothing and not feel bad about it! These days are few and far between, but believe me they are much needed when they come along. There is so much going on right now with school and my life that I have been stressed more than ever before in my life! Days to unwind and do nothing but take time for myself help me get through the rough days.

November 2, 2012 ( okay so it's really Nov. 3)

Day 2:
I am doing this a day late because yesterday was rough until last night when we spent the evening with our amazing friends! This leads me to what I was (am) thankful for yesterday.

I am thankful for the best friends Dudley and I have here at home: the Wiese's! They are the type of friends that no matter what we are doing together it is always a great time! We know they are there for us through thick or thin and vice versa we are there for them! We are blessed to have them in our lives!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thanksgiving Year 'Round

I am taking the challeng to see if I can write or take a picture of 365 things I am thankful for.

November 1, 2012

Today I am thankful for this wonderful man:

This isn't the greatest picture but I just love that smile and the laugh that goes with it!! He is not only my hubby but also my best friend! He knows how to make me roll with laughter or be there for me to lean on. He knows when I need his help and when to give me space. He is such a Godly man and I know that one day he is going to be an amazing daddy! He shows me his love in 100s of ways! I can't wait to grow old with him!!!!