Thursday, January 30, 2014

December 19, 2013.....

December 19, 2013. A day I will never forget.

I know I don't have many followers, but to those of you I do have, do you remember this post?

Well, God most definitely knew better than we did.

On the morning of December 19, Dudley and I received the greatest Christmas present we could have asked for:

We are expecting are little one August 28, 2014! 

What a journey we have already been through. I have had to give blood 3 times before actually seeing the doctor. We had our initial visit on January 2 where we got to see our little sweet pea for the first time and see it's heartbeat. Then today,  we went back to Dr. Gentry and we not only got to see it's head, body, legs, arms and spinal cord, but we got to see it kick and hear it's heartbeat! 

There are so many emotions we are feeling and thoughts running through our heads, but the biggest one is how awesome our God is! Nothing else can explain this phenomenon called life and the process of how it is created. We are so grateful that He has deemed us worthy to carry, watch over, and love one of His children. 

We ask all of you that you would be there with us to help us raise this little one to know the Lord and to raise it to spread the good news of Christ.


Abbi said...

How very exciting! God just blesses and blesses!

Anna said...

So super excited for you Angela!!