Saturday, September 19, 2009

Apple Pie....

I got in the baking mood on Monday, so I decided to make an apple pie!

I did it all from scratch. None of that already made pie crust for me. I tried to do the lattice top on it but it didn't turn out as good as I hoped. I think I am too much of a perfectionist to do something that delicate.

Anyway, It turned out delicious and it was gone by Thursday!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A New Beginning....

I finally landed a job, and I am excited to see where it leads me. I am now the Prime-Time Kindergarten Aide. That means I will be spending time with students in small groups and possibly one-on-one. I am glad it is a full-time job instead of having to wonder if I would be called to sub every day. This way I get to know 2 sets of students and actually really get to know them. I get to put my name out there and show how I am as a teacher in hopes of landing a full time teaching job next year.

I know this was all God's timing because I went into Tuesday feeling terrible considering calling and saying I was not going to be able to sub, and I came out with a job. It is just more proof that if we allow Him to take things over it will happen.

As I mentioned before, I am excited to see what lays ahead, and how the year is going to progress!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Looooong Weekend in Georgia

I got the blessing to and visit Dudley and his family in Georgia for almost a week! The first thing we did after I landed was we headed to THE original Chick-fil-a called the Dwarf House.

The next day we went and picked up tickets to the see the Braves Friday night. I took advantage of no one being there and got some pictures:

We then went and saw the movie Post Grad, which we both felt discribed each of our lives right now! Of course, then Friday night we went to the Braves vs. Reds game with our friend Zach, Dudley's brother Noah, and his girlfirend.